The feedback and complaints handling mechanism will address the concerns of both internal and external clients of the BAC. The feedback and complaints handling system addresses the needs of both internal and external clients of the BAC Secretariat. The internal clients of the BAC are the government agencies that are the end users of the goods and services procured. The external clients of the BAC are the service providers, bidders, CSO observers and the general public.
Complaints can be lodged through the:
1.) PGBh website at;
2.) Drop box located at BAC entrance door; or
3.) Personal appearance at the BAC office.
To lodge complaints online, please fill-up the form below.
Contact Us
We gladly appreciate you taking part in sharing your concerns as we continually work to improve our service. We will also collect some personal information about you to be able to contact you for follow-up if needed.
In addition to your message/concern, we respect your trust and are earnest to protect your privacy. Therefore, we will not share your data with any third parties and by filling out this form you agree that we will process your data in line with our privacy policy.
Thank you for taking your time!